Yo yo what's poppin (VN Update)

Hello again! Winter VN Jam has started, and I am drowning in assignments and exams :D

I'm unsure if I'll be able to finish this visual novel on time (I'd planned it to be sometime before January 1), but if not, I'll hopefully get a demo out before then. Even though it's shorter, I'm worried the story will be confusing since it's less straightforward than PUQFFAL, so I'm trying to lessen the confusion as much as possible.

On top of that, there are still sprites to be made and CGs to be drawn and sound effects to be added and--

Progress and Updates Dump:

12/1-9/21 - festive month celebration
Sprites: 93% (I learned how to use layered images in Ren'Py :0)
Story: 80% (Yeaahhhhh this should've been done already.)
CGs: 90% (for only the sketches, again)
Music and (new) Sound Effects!: 70% (I have all the tracks this time, but I do not have them all placed properly in the script yet)
(New) Effects and Transitions: 74% (these are actually super fun to do lol)
Backgrounds and Scenery: 100% (I edited them but most of them are not mine, and I wish to figure out who to give credit to eventually)

As for the new screenshots (spoilers for the first game just saying)... I can't figure out how to make the GIFs compressed AND high-quality yet, so those may change. At least you can see parts of the game in action + polished sprites + the new effects!

Thanks for viewing and let me know what you think!

Some links for more updates and to the first game:



Stay tuned for a small comic strip I made instead of working on the VN or doing homework :D

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